
These encoders have a 5 V TTL signal (A and B) as well as the index signal I. They are optionally available with line drivers which also provide inverted signals.

Optical encoder WEDL


Optical encoder

Technical data


Operation voltage


Encoder resolution

500 CPR or 1000 CPR

Shaft diameter

5 mm or 6.35 mm

Encoder type


Encoder signal

A, A\, B, B\, I, I\

The WEDL encoders have a 5 VDC TTL signal (A and B) as well as the index signal I. They are optionally available with line drivers which, in addition to positive signals, also provide inverted signals, thus increasing the interference immunity at distances of more than 50 cm. Maximum motor speed is 6000 rpm or 12000 rpm depending on resolution.

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Optical encoder WEDS


Optical encoder

Technical data


Operation voltage


Encoder resolution

500 CPR or 1000 CPR

Shaft diameter

5 mm or 6.35 mm

Encoder type


Encoder signal

A, B, I

Optical encoders are used for the precise speed and position monitoring of moving loads. They are suitable for a wide range of applications, insensitive to dust and dirt, and can be easily integrated into customized systems. They offer high resolutions and low tolerances. Maximum motor speed is 6000 rpm or 12000 rpm depending on resolution.

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Magnetic encoder NME1


Magnetic encoder

Technical data


Operation voltage


Encoder resolution

1024 CPR

Shaft diameter

5 mm or 6.35 mm

Encoder type


Encoder signal

A, A\, B, B\, I, I\, H1, H2, H3

Encoder for stepper and BLDC motors with 1024 pulses per revolution is used for precise speed and position control. Magnetic encoders enable precise measurements even in harsh environmental conditions. Hall sensors are used for scanning, the values are supplied in the form of a binary signal.

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Reflective encoder NOE2


Reflective encoder

Technical data


Operation voltage


Encoder resolution

1000 CPR

Shaft diameter

5 mm or 6.35 mm

Encoder type


Encoder signal

A, A\, B, B\, I, I\

Optical 3‑channel reflective encoder can also be combined with very small BLDC and stepper motors thanks to their compact dimensions. Due to the integrated line driver, they are insensitive to electrical interference even with long connection cables, and achieve high signal quality.

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