Press releases
This section contains detailed news descriptions on our most popular product models and new developments.
Press releases
This section contains detailed news descriptions on our most popular product models and new developments.

DC linear actuators with control units from Smart Motor Devices guarantee of successful operation and competitiveness
December 2024
Smart Motor Devices, a well‑known developer and manufacturer of drivers and controllers for electromotors, has expanded the range of supplied products by including linear actuators based on DC motors. The combination of actuators with drivers and controllers from Smart Motor Devices ensures easy drive integration and reliable operation of end equipment

Features of built‑in DC brush motor speed controller BMD‑12
October 2024
Smart Motor Devices developed a new device - a DC brush motor controller BMD‑12 with a speed stabilization function, adjustable soft start and stop, with a motor current limitation function. BMD‑12 is a full‑fledged PID controller and allows compensating for load variations and speeding fluctuations unlike devices based on load compensation RxI.

Smart Motor Devices is preparing to launch a new DC motors controller – new device for torque and speed control will be available soon at the industrial market
July 2024
Specialists of Smart Motor Devices continuously monitor trends and needs of the modern industrial market. Taking into account the experience with existing models of the company, as well as the wishes and requirements of users for new devices, our engineers have developed a new unit to control torque and speed of DC brush motors. The new controller BMD‑40DIN ver.2 includes all the advantages and capabilities of the previous model BMD‑20DIN ver.2, and also has new functionality.

Advanced controller for DC motors speed control was introduced to the industrial market by Smart Motor Devices – BMD‑20DIN ver.2
June 2024
Most controllers at the industrial market offer one input signal option for DC motor speed control. Most often, this is an analog voltage signal with a fixed range. Such devices fit well into existing systems only if the control device has the ability to generate the appropriate signal. The new controller BMD‑20DIN ver.2 offers 6 different signal options for motor speed regulation, so its compatibility and ability to use with various devices is significantly wider.

Modbus TCP is now available in SMSD‑LAN programmable stepper motor controllers
May 2024
Well‑known and widely used in industry programmable stepper motor controllers SMSD‑LAN series are now available with the Modbus TCP communication protocol. Smart Motor Devices engineers took into account operating experience and gradually updated the exchange protocol and functionality of these devices. Taking into account the requirements of modern industry, the ability to work using the Modbus TCP communication protocol was added to the firmware of these devices.

A simple controller for complex tasks - Smart Motor Devices updated a popular controller for BLDC motors - BLD‑20DIN
February 2024
According to statistics compiled by Smart Motor Devices, low‑power DC brushless motors are one of the most common and effective drives for solving speed and position control tasks for non‑precision systems. Our company’s developers continuously monitor trends in the use of such drives and are constantly working both on creating new devices and improving existing models. A new design of DC brushless motor controller BLD‑20DIN is available now.

Simple implementation of complex motion algorithms for BLDC motors is possible with programmable controllers BLSD‑20Modbus.
January 2024
The company Smart Motor Devices has assigned and successfully solved the task - to develop and offer to the industrial market a device for controlling DC brushless motors - simple and not expensive like most BLDC controllers, but solving complex motion problems - in order to rid the system of expensive and complex PLCs. Such a device is BLSD‑20Modbus - a programmable device for controlling three-phase brushless motors.

Full-featured and smart controllers for DC brushless motors are simple and easy to use thanks to developments of Smart Motor Devices.
October 2023
Simple and reliable BLDC motor control with BLD‑20DIN and BLSD‑20Modbus controllers - control the motor for any purpose. Smart Motor Devices develops and takes care of the hardest part, the user applies it easily and wherever it is convenient. The controllers provide both positioning and speed control and implement additional functionality.

New cost‑effective solution for fully‑featured control of a DC motor was proposed by Smart Motor Devices
September 2023
Smart Motor Devices has made every effort to create a product that meets all requirements of technical equipment developers without compromise - low cost, full functionality and reliability of the device - and introduced to the market a new device to control DC brush motors: BMD‑5DIN.

Smart Motor Devices develops new SMSD‑Modbus programmable stepper motor controllers
August 2023
Smart Motor Devices introduced its new development to the market - a stepper motor controller SMSD‑Modbus, which combines a power section and a PLC‑like module. SMSD‑Modbus simplify development process, reduce the cost of a system, while keeping the same functionality as when operating with an industrial PLC.